5 Things Customers Want to See on Your Business Website

Customers always come first for any company. Whether you’re a major corporation or a small business, your success is only as good as your ability to satisfy and retain your clients.

The most successful companies in the world know this and go out of their way to make sure that their customers are always at the center of everything they do.

It’s crucial for businesses that rely on their websites for sales and revenue to provide customers at least some of the items they want to see on a website.

Customers seek Contact Information

Customers frequently go to the websites of firms to contact them. It should be clear how customers may reach you right from the start. Comforting a consumer that your business is genuine and lawful by displaying a physical location, even if no one will visit it, is a sign of trust.

A Contact Us link is a must on any website. A telephone number and e-mail address are all you need to have, but some companies even add additional contact options like live chat or social media links.

You may think that you don’t need to have your contact information on every page of your website, but it is very important. The only way a customer can contact you is through this link.

They might not find the right page or forget about it during their research and purchase process if they need to go back to it. A contact link in the footer of every page is a way to guarantee that customer information will be available on your website.

Use CTAs to indicate to your customers what they should do next

A Call To Action (CTA) is a way for you to tell your customers exactly what you want them to do next. CTAs are crucial as they encourage your consumers to interact with you in some fashion, whether it’s by buying from you or sharing something with friends.

You need to place CTAs throughout the website before, during, and after the purchasing process. You can place them on any webpage, but they are particularly effective in landing pages.

The best CTAs lead customers to form high-converting actions by using phrases like “Buy Now” or “Sign Up for Our Email List.” It might not seem important if your company doesn’t have a huge presence online, but it is wise to place CTAs on your website.

Most web design companies use CTAs in all types of web pages. The use of call to action buttons helps users explore your site and encourages them to participate in the process. It also brings conversion rates to a higher level when you incorporate button CTA on your website through a professional web design agency.

Testimonials and Feedback

Many customers don’t buy from companies online without any proof that they are trustworthy and able to deliver. A testimonial system is an effective way of adding credibility to your brand or product through the voice of previous clients.

Most websites with such systems place them as part of the About Us page, but it might be a great idea to have them in a separate section. This way, you can create an area that customers see first thing when they visit the page.

It is no secret that Feedback, Portfolios and Reviews are important for companies big or small. These days, most consumers base their purchase decisions solely on customer reviews.

Easy and Responsive Navigation

Customers shouldn’t have any problems exploring your website or finding the information they need on it. They should be able to go from page to page with a consistent design and layout.

If a consumer lands on your site and can’t figure out how to get back to the home page, you are in trouble. Your web design company may provide you with a basic navigation system, but you need to work on it yourself as well.

You can make the menu bar bigger or change its location. The simpler it is for customers to use, the easier your job will be when it comes time to fix any problems. Make sure that all images and links are open in new windows so that you can track where users go during their visits.

Smaller sites often have one mega menu that covers the entire width of the screen, but bigger ones use multiple menus and sub-menus for a better user experience. Adding a search bar at the top of every webpage is crucial as well because it gives customers another way to find what they are looking for.

Discounts and Offers

Customers want to make sure that they are buying a product for the lowest possible price. Your web design company will probably give you an ecommerce platform, but you need to add deals and prices yourself in order to boost your conversions.

A simple way to do this is by adding and promoting special offers on every page of your site as well as on social media. For example, giving a certain percentage off to new Twitter followers can give you the exposure you need at no cost to you.

In Conclusion

If you want to keep your website visitors happy, all of these five features must be included on your website. If you own a business, this is the best way to engage with your customers and generate sales.

Using these tips in combination with an expert website design service will help you find success no matter what types of products or services you offer.