Top Website Design Trends to Look For in 2022

For everyone who is reading this article, 2020-21 was not an easy year for you. Right?

We are all a little stressed out with its gallons of hand sanitizer, uncomfortable internet meetings, and the impending dread of uncertainty. Despite the most trying circumstances, we have attempted to proceed forward by doing our utmost.

When it comes to web design, things are a little more complicated. As a result, we monitor the ever-changing trends in web design on a yearly basis. This year is no different; 2021 has already come and gone. Web designers like pushing the envelope; they constantly reinvent classic designs and experiment with innovative approaches.

As a well-known web design company, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most anticipated web design trends in 2022 based on our research and discussions with design experts. We hope that this information will help you incorporate these ideas into your project.

Bold Color Schemes

In 2021, color schemes were focused on a singular dominant color. In 2022, there is a move away from the monochromatic color scheme towards bolder and more dynamic coloring. Dull colors are now being replaced with bright primary colors that attract the audience’s attention. As a result, the overall look of websites has become more vibrant and lively.

The reason for this change is simple. The web design of 2021 emphasized readability and its focus was on functionality, efficiency, and user-friendliness. However, in 2022, it became necessary for the process to become more engaging in order to stand out from the crowd. With that said, there are differing perspectives with regard to this new direction when it comes to web design.

Parallax Scrolling

Parallax scrolling is a type of website design that allows the background images to move by the viewer slower than the foreground images. This creates an optical effect which gives the impression of depth. The parallax scrolling technique has been used in web and graphic design for years now and has become so popular that it’s hard not to see it everywhere.

This is one of the most groundbreaking web design trends in 2022 because it creates a sense of depth, gives designers flexibility with regard to imagery, and allows them to better communicate their message.

Eye-catching Icons & Illustrations

In the past year, eye-catching graphics have been used sparingly on websites due to bandwidth limitations. However, in 2022, this trend is changing. The use of eye-catching illustrations and icons will be more prominently displayed on websites to better illustrate a concept or idea. As a result, you should expect web design to become more vibrant and engaging with illustrations that easily communicate their message using creative imagery.

Accessibility & Website Performance

In 2022, users are more tech-savvy than ever before. Therefore, it’s important for web designers to take into consideration the expectations of their viewers by incorporating high-performance websites that load quickly and are accessible to everyone. Web design no longer revolves around looks; instead, it is more focused on speed and functionality.

It’s likely that in 2022, more and more web design agencies will shift their focus towards making websites load quickly

rather than using accessorizing techniques. The result is a website design with fewer bells and whistles but with superior speed for an enhanced user experience.

Simpler Navigation & Focused Call-to-Action Buttons

In 2021, complex navigation menus with multiple options were considered to be the best way to organize information. However, in 2022, this is no longer the case. Complex menus are now being replaced by simpler navigation tools that guide users through the desired path. The primary menu should always include one clear CTA button at all times while additional secondary buttons only appear on specific pages or sections.

The reason for this change is simple: simplicity. In the year 2021, websites were already providing users with an abundance of information and options;

however, in 2022, it became important for designers to streamline their website navigation to create a more focused experience that keeps visitors interested and entices them to convert.

This focus on creating a clear and concise website that is ultimately easier to use will boost conversion rates and boost your bottom line.

Modern Fonts and Typography

Earlier, there was a trend towards using traditional fonts in web design. However, in 2022, modern fonts have taken over the industry and appear to be here to stay for a very long time. Modern fonts such as Helvetica Neue were created to make websites appear clean and simple by focusing attention on content rather than design.

Fonts & typography play a large role in the overall user experience of a website, which is why it’s important that designers choose the right font and typeface for their site. Remember that the font and typeface that you choose should match your brand and the overall user experience of your website.

More Interactive Elements & Rich Media Content

Since the beginning of the internet, websites have been fairly basic in terms of their design. Text-based content was standard for a very long time because web designers were limited by technology and bandwidth limitations. However, this is no longer the case in 2022.

Websites now incorporate rich media content, videos, and interactive elements to increase engagement with users by providing them with dynamic information that they can enjoy whenever they want.

As technology advances and bandwidth limitations disappear, it’s likely that more websites will include an increased level of interactivity through rich media content like videos, animations, and GIFs in 2022.


The new 2022 will certainly introduce a slew of fresh possibilities for designers to embrace design trends. These trends will attract a large number of visitors by standing out against our competitive landscape. As a consequence, you must be up with the latest trends that may help you improve the look and functionality of your website.

A web design company that focuses on user experience and conversion optimization can help you design a website that converts better than ever before.